The girl behind the cleats

Brooke Cohen practicing her kicking skills.

Traditionally, the idea of American football is an all male sport, but at Independence High School, the kicker is quite unique.

“I think at first a little bit everyone was a little shocked that we were going to have a girl on the team,” junior varsity football player Ryan Bence said.

Many of her fellow players were surprised to see Brooke Cohen as the kicker on the team. However, her fellow teammates soon realized that there was more to her than what meets the eye.

“I was a little shaky at first, but then I saw that she can kick some pretty good distance field goal so I was like, ‘why not heck yeah,’” Bence said.

In fact, her kicking skills were not only a surprise to her football colleagues, her skills also surprised JV football Coach Casey Jones.

“Brooke was better than any of the other kickers we had on the team,” Coach Jones said.

Cohen isn’t just bringing variety to the football team, her dedication to the team has welcomed her into the football family.

“I enjoy being with everyone and it’s really a rush when you get on the field, and it’s just really fun to be in that type [of] environment,” she said.

“She has a lot of heart and she’s got a great football mentality and she loves the game, so it means a lot to us that she’s a part of the football family,” Bence said.

Her passion for the game has a priority even over her schedule.

“I’m here at six in the morning till ten and practicing football,” she said.

Brooke Cohen continues to give her skill and effort to help her JV football team through the remainder of their first season.