Chemistry on the court

These varsity basketball players bond and connect over a breakfast social.

Some people believe that skill determines the result of a game. In fact, the result may depend on how well the players know each other.

Bonding, connection and personality are what some of our girls basketball players believe can truly shape a game and its outcome.

Socials, like team dinners have often made the team stronger and feel united.

“We’ve done some things outside of school. We did a retreat and we’ve done different community service projects as well. So, I think that’s helped us spending outside of court time, getting to know each other,” girls varsity basketball coach Amy Matlock said.

“I feel like having team bonding meetings and going to team dinners has really helped us like really get connected,” senior Sierra Hardy said.

Team members say that they’ve also had amazing coaches to guide them together and make them a solid team.

“I think they push us to be a team and to care about each other and be selfless when we play and also when we’re not on the court,” sophomore Shelby Dugas said.

The girls also believe that every team has their flaws but it’s all about overcoming that together as a team.

“I feel like we’ve gotten closer over the past couple years because we kind of struggled together at first and then we found our weaknesses and now we’re working on getting our strengths together,” Hardy said.

These new found strengths such as togetherness has given the team hope and a reason to continue the game they have grown to love.

“I feel like now that we know each other more and we know like how our personalities are, we kind of have good chemistry on the court like knowing where everyone is going to be at,” Hardy said.

“I feel like the kids are playing for something bigger than themselves and in order to do that you have to respect your teammates and you have to respect the team and so when you become closer as a team, I think that always results in positive things,” Coach Matlock said.