The hidden benefits of FIDM fashion club

Eliza Mercado, improving her fashion skills by designing a infinty scarf at the FIDM Club monthly meeting.

If fashion is your passion then you could be eligible for scholarships that benefit your future career just by showing up to a monthly club.

“The experience they’re gonna gain in FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising) is really going to benefit them. We have speakers come in to talk about marketing and advertising,” sponsor Erin Fox said.

Speakers and chief executive officers of local fashion companies come to the meetings to help the members get hands-on experience with the real workforce.

“Students who were thinking of it from a more business [side], in DECA (Distributive Education Club of America) there’s actually [a] competition for a fashion segment,” Fox said.

But if marketing or business isn’t your thing, then just being an active member in the club can offer you multiple opportunities.

“An active member as a junior and senior, you get a scholarship from FIDM if you want to pursue a career,” junior Eliza Mercado said.

The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in California is the college that gives out scholarships for every job in fashion industry.

“There’s also scholarships that are just in general for fashion or anything related to the fashion industry that students can earn,” said Fox.

So if being a fashion designer or owning a fashion company is your dream, join FIDM to find your path.