How HOSA impacts students’ lives

HOSA officers lead a meeting of over two hundred students with similar passions and interests in the healthcare field.

HOSA Future Health Professionals, previously known as Health Occupations Students of America is an organization that helps students who are interested in the healthcare field grow.

Members say the group offers students a place where they can fit in.

“For me, HOSA is a place where I meet others who are interested like me, and some other people who might not be interested in it but they’re trying to see what it’s about. And to me HOSA is really important because it is what I want to do, and it’s my passion,” senior Bhoomika Venkatesh said.  

They are able to learn about their possible futures in healthcare by being in an environment where their passions are shared.

“When you join HOSA, you get to help people and you can see different topics.  And before I joined HOSA I didn’t know about all [of] the different types of careers that I could do within the healthcare [field] and so it showed me what I can do in the future,” junior Wajiha Hashmi said.

This exposure mainly comes from competition. The organization currently has 56 events to compete in that are related to many health professions such as nursing, forensics, and psychology.

“I just learned how [many] like different fields that there is in HOSA, and in the medical field, and how to meet new people and how to interact with them,” Venkatesh said.

In competition, members practice skills such as teamwork.

“So if one person doesn’t do their job then you kind of have to work together to get there and you just have to work together as a team to get the common goal to help people,” Hashmi said.

The club’s members also learn valuable lessons for life by participating in all parts of the club like volunteering.

“It’s a combination of service and competition. We will have the fun aspect of you know, going out of state with your friends, or you know going to [a] different place. Then you have the rewardingness of giving back to your community, helping others who are in need and it’s honestly the perfect balance,” junior Nitin Volety said.

“Through volunteering, members learn the value of their service….there’s like different ways to learn about things and you volunteer. So, it’s showing you the importance of giving your time to people,” said Bhoomika.