The Frisco Bears Meet New Challenges This Season

Senior Arturo Lopez charges for possession of the ball in the fourth quarter of the lacrosse game against Southlake as the Frisco Bears fight for another win.

 The Frisco ISD Lacrosse team has been bringing students from all high schools together for ten years. Last year the Frisco Bears went to playoffs for the very first time.

“Our first ever playoff win as Frisco Lacrosse was last year… We went to the Regional Championship game and lost unfortunately to Colleyville. So I think that was a good year last year, and we are hoping on building that momentum this year,” Head Coach Terry Kimener said.

Early on in their season, the team had another shot against Colleyville.

“We won eight to six and it was a hard-fought game and it could have gone either way and we just pulled it out, so it was good to get that first win for the season… It gave us a boost of confidence,” senior Jordan Sullivan said.

This year, they face new challenges as they compete in a higher division.

“It’s going to be a really tough season. Really a lot of physical teams, a lot of big teams so we’re going to have to figure out how to play that style of lacrosse with these teams if we’re going to compete,” Sullivan’s dad, Tim Sullivan, said.

This season, the Frisco Bears continue to set higher goals.

“We were one game short of state last year and so this year we are hoping to get to state. It’s not gonna be easy but we hope to get to state this year,” Jordan Sullivan said.

“As a team and being a senior on the team, I hope the main goal is to get to state. But more than that, is to become even closer as a team and play more teamwise on games than individual wise, but also to go out and beat the best in the state,” senior Brant McAloon said.

“As a team, we’ve talked about it a lot, we’d like to have a playoff run. So beat the right teams throughout the season and have a chance to beat bigger teams during the playoffs,” senior Arturo Lopez said.

The Frisco Bears will compete in two more games this season. They play against Flower Mound on April 19th and Greenhill on April 25th.