How Students Prepare For The SAT and ACT

These are some of the books that students can use to study for the SAT and ACT.

The SAT and ACT are internationally known tests that many high school students take as part of their college admissions. Despite the minor differences, each individual student has to figure out which tests best highlights their strengths.

At some schools, students are able to take the PSAT or PACT to see if they remembered everything that they learned from school. It also sees what each individual student needs to work on before going off to college.

In the past, Independence High School offered a course called SAT Prep. This course ran by English teacher Wesley Dennis and other math teachers, gave students helpful resources to prepare for both the SAT and ACT. Unfortunately, the course has been removed but the resources haven’t. The school decided that students can still receive help by going to Mr. Dennis’ classroom, B118, during activity period.

“I think that’s a benefit of us having it during activity period. We’re not taking up another class period,” Dennis said. 

Students can do practice tests, study vocabulary, write essays and understand how to work on multiple choice answers to their advantage, all while getting help online.

“We have changed it to an online format, to where it’s more student-driven and students just walk through the program. And we connected it with Khan Academy which has created a guide to where the students can walk on their own and we are here for just support now,” Dennis said.

When there’s no time during the week to get help for these tests during activity period, students have found other ways to prepare themselves. Some have bought the physical prep books and use it to study during their own free time.

“I open my 700 paged SAT book I got from College Board. I open it every night ’cause there’s a bunch of practice tests and I take it every night and my mom and dad help me,” junior Cameron Rogers said.

Students and teachers recommend starting to prepare as soon as possible before going to take one of the tests.

“I would probably say at least a couple months before they actually take the test. Start looking into it and start working and like I said the more time you put into it…the easier it’s going to be on the test day,” Dennis said.