VASE Competition

The Independence High School Art department had 74 students participate at this year’s Regional Virtual Visual Art Scholastic Event. 21 of the participants at IHS were selected to go to the state competition.  

VASE is an art competition where students in the same area go to regional VASE and if a student is given a score of four then they are eligible to go to state. Students who compete in state are scored by getting either a bronze, silver, or gold seal.

“Mr. Buscemi, the art teacher, really pushes us to enter our art projects into competitions,” said Helen Qin a student at IHS. “Everyone took a picture of their art and submitted it to the website. ”

COVID-19 precautions have prevented the students from showing their pieces to the judges in person, causing the results to come out slower than usual. 

“It was this process of elimination where Mr. Buscemi would eliminate all of the people who got threes and it was in the middle of the night where he said everyone remaining made it,” said Deeksha Bompada, a student at IHS.

Normally, the advancing art team would travel to another location and stay in a hotel for the state competition, but due to COVID, the competition was online.  

“Usually the competition takes place in like San Antonio or something and you stay overnight there while you get your results instead of waiting for an email,” said Campbell Williams, a student. 

The competition took place on March 6 with the results coming in a about a week ago. 21 students at IHS have gone to state and won gold or silver seals. Check out their artwork below.