Girls wrestling pins competition

Tabitha Wood stands on top of the podium after finishing first in her weight class at regionals. This win qualified her for the state wrestling meet. (Knight Press/IHS Knight Press Twitter)

The Independence High School girls wrestling team thrusts their trophy into the air after being crowned district champions. They take a picture together as a team after defending their district championship title and qualifying for regionals, putting them one step closer to state.


Independence girls varsity wrestling team celebrates their district win on Saturday, April 10, 2021. (Knights Women’s Basketball Twitter)

The Frisco Independent School District is said to be one of the most competitive girls wrestling districts in the area. This didn’t change anything for the consistent Knight team. They prepared for the district competition, just as they would any meet.

Coach Heggie, the team’s wrestling coach, found himself in some trouble when the team was missing some key assets, but he had some other wrestlers’ results surprise him as well as the team to help propel the team to the championship.

Going into the meet, Heggie had the intentions of making sure the wrestlers didn’t get ahead of themselves.

Heggie helped motivate the team by talking to them before the meet making sure they knew how to go into the meet mentally. “Take it one match at a time,” Heggie said.

After the pep talk from Heggie, the team was riled up for competition. They went in mentally prepared and ready to defend their district title.

After winning, the team was overfilled with emotions.

“It felt amazing to win districts again,” Heggie said.

In order to qualify for regionals, you have to make the top four in the district for your weight class. Seven wrestlers on the IHS team qualified for the regional meet. 

Tabitha Wood and Tessa Wood took first place. Caelyn Gaddy and Cairee Jones finished second. Avi Britton placed third and Diana Carreon and Abby Garcia finished in fourth place. 

The Knight wrestling team took on regionals and Tabitha Wood won her weight class. She will now be heading to state and attempting to defend her state title.