Knight Academy leaves lasting impact on students

The Independence High School Knight Academy has been helping students acquire the credits they need to graduate. The program began in 2018 and has since aided in the completion of well over 200 credits in the 2020-2021 school year alone. 

“What we do here at Knight Academy is to really try and create a comfortable environment that our students can do their work in, said Nick Stokes, Knight Academy teacher.

Stokes also went on to discuss what he hopes to see Knight Academy accomplish in the coming years. This includes doubling the amount of students receiving the help they need in order to graduate and getting students excited about doing quality work.  

“We want our program to go big and help as many students that are struggling as we can,” said Stokes.

Senior, Kendal Shaw shared what Knight Academy means to her. 

“I joined Knight Academy during the first semester of this year, and it’s really helped me get where I need to be. It’s really important to me to be able to finish these classes so I can graduate on time and achieve my goal of going to cosmetology school. This program will help me accomplish this, so I am very grateful,” said Shaw. 

Shaw also commented on how Knight Academy could help you with the process of graduating early by acquiring the needed credits and a good G.P.A.

Another student that Knight Academy has had an impact on is senior, Zyre White. White began the program at the beginning of the second semester and expressed how the program affected his academic career. 

“I was struggling with my grades, especially math, prior to joining Knight Academy. When I started the program, it was such a relief to be able to self pace when doing my work. This allowed me to earn my credits on time rather than continuing to struggle,” said White. 

White stated that he would recommend this program to any student struggling with their academics. He pointed out the more relaxed environment that it provided to students who had a harder time getting their work done. 

The Knight Academy is a tool utilized by many IHS students to better their academic record in ways that might not have been possible without this program. 

“I got the resources I needed to be successful, and because of that, I’m on track to graduate,” said White.