Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month at IHS

Independence High School (IHS) is celebrating Hispanic Heritage month, which officially takes place from September 15 to October 15. This month is meant to celebrate and recognize the Hispanic culture, showcasing accomplishments in history that have been made by their ancestors, and the continuous celebration of the community in the present day. 

The first celebration of Hispanic Heritage month began in 1968. At this time, the Civil Rights Movement was also occurring, sparking the movement of the Latin American community who had also been fighting against discrimination. The month was officially induced into law on August 17, 1988. This was a huge step for the Latin American community, and finally gave them the recognition they deserved. 

September 15 is the anniversary of independence for the Hispanic countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Honduras. Mexico and Chile both celebrate their independence on September 16 and September 18. 

Simon Faraco, an IHS Spanish teacher, details why Hispanic Heritage month is so important to the school program. 

“I believe that it is important to educate the students and teach them something beyond the language. This is a good time to reflect on where we come from, and reassure ourselves of our pride and being proud of who we are,” said Faraco. “Our culture is a very vast one, and we have many different customs, such as our food, celebrations, and holidays. We are showing the students our different traditions, and they can really appreciate those things.”

Faraco reflects on what he enjoys the most about teaching Spanish at IHS. 

IHS Spanish teacher Simon Faraco poses for the camera on picture day. (Lifetouch National School Studios Inc.)

“My favorite part of teaching Spanish is the kids. I enjoy being with them, and I get the pleasure to see how they advance through the years when they come back and say hello,” he said. “They learn from me, and I learn from them as well.”











The IHS library has been gearing up for Hispanic Heritage Month as well, including book displays that highlight the significance of the month, also planning to do crafts and activities where students can show their appreciation and creativity. 

Janice Stone, the IHS librarian, speaks on the celebration for the month, and what is included the in library display.

IHS Librarian Janice Stone poses for the camera on picture day. (Lifetouch National School Studios Inc.)

“We are celebrating the accomplishments of people from Hispanic communities and their descendants, and what they have done to improve the world that we live in,” said Stone. “We have a book display in the library that has people from all over, from individuals in Simon Bolivar, Venezuela to Jennifer Lopez in New York City.”

Stone reflects on her favorite parts of being a librarian and getting to celebrate months like these with her students. 

“I think it’s so important that we all see ourselves in the programming and in the celebrations that our school does,” said Stone. “It’s a huge deal that we all can feel represented and be our most authentic selves, and we see that other people are celebrating that too.”

Hispanic Heritage Month officially begins on September 15. The IHS library will be hosting a Frida Kahlo paper plate craft later this month, and also presenting a new Hispanic Heritage Month book display. 



The IHS library’s Hispanic Heritage Month book display.