Frisco ISD releases new podcast

This August the Frisco ISD Communications Department launched a podcast to give the community a closer look at what’s happening within the district. The podcast aims to introduce listeners to the various leaders of the district, as well as provide insight on the programs and initiatives they are working on to carry Frisco ISD forward.
Each episode features a different guest to discuss timely topics such as safety and security, school finance, and future-ready learning.
“The podcast format allows for more in-depth and thoughtful discussion than what can be achieved with our website or social media,” Assistant Communications Director Meghan Cone said. “Frisco ISD also hopes to reach people who may not connect with the District through other avenues – perhaps they prefer to access information in a different way and podcasts are already a part of their regular routines.”
The host of the podcast, Amanda McCune, mentioned that she tries to create a relaxed environment during each episode so that the podcast guests feel comfortable opening up and sharing about their work.
“Hopefully, everyone who tunes in finds the conversation relatable and insightful,” McCune said. “The ultimate goal is to reach more people and help them become better informed and engaged as District stakeholders.”
The district plans on releasing a total of 20 episodes, with a new episode every other Monday, during the 2021-22 school year.
The first two episodes of the podcast have already been released. The first released on Aug. 16 and features Superintendent Dr. Mike Waldrip, while the second episode was released on Aug. 30 and features School Board President René Archambault and Vice President John Classe.
The third episode was recently released Monday, Sept. 13, and features Dr. Stephanie Cook, who will be discussing the role of school counselors and the importance of social and emotional learning.
The podcast is available for listeners on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.