Student ambassadors host multicultural night

IHS Student ambassadors are hosting a multicultural night on April 19, 2022. Multicultural night aims to give students an opportunity to represent their culture and teach their classmates about it. 

For the event, students are allowed to make a presentation and bring along a few items of significance to their culture. 

“I imagine stands, with the name of the culture, food, and someone who can explain what the presentation is about,” said Estefania Lerin, a freshman at IHS. 

It will be held in the cafeteria of IHS, with students’ presentations on different tables. 

“I want to see what they do to celebrate, historical figures, and historical buildings,” said Fatema Badran, a sophomore at IHS. 

While learning about other cultures, Badran will also be representing her own culture that night.

“I will be representing Egyptian culture,” said Badran. “It’s more modest. We like to use different herbs in our food and a lot of rose water. We like to dance a lot. We also take pride in our history.”

Other cultures you will see at IHS’s multicultural night are South Indian, Belizean, African American, Latin American, and European. 

“My sister and I used to dress up and my dad made Paella,” said Lerin, when asked what she used to do to represent European culture at her middle school. 

Badran supports schools having multicultural nights as it can bring awareness to the diversity in a school. 

“It teaches people not to be racist about it,” said Badran, “It makes them respect other people and allows students to take pride in their culture.”