COVID-19 update: masks no longer required on most U.S. airlines

After the ruling of U.S. District Court Judge Kathryn Mizelle, the Biden administration announced that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will no longer require travelers, crew members, or any airport employees to wear masks on domestic flights or around airport facilities as of Monday, April 18. 

Several airline companies such as Southwest and American Airlines have released statements saying their employees and travelers may still wear masks if they choose, but will no longer be enforcing any type of face covering. 

Judge Mizelle is a part of the District Court for the Middle District of Florida after she was appointed by former President Donald Trump in 2020. According to News-Press, Mizelle wrote in a 59-page ruling that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continuing to enforce a mask mandate “violates the procedures required for agency rulemaking” followed by various airline and transportation organizations making the decision to drop their mask mandates. 

As of Wednesday, April 20, the CDC determined that its order requiring masks on planes and other public transit still needs to be followed despite Judge Mizelle’s decision. According to USA Today, the CDC stated that they, “ will continue to monitor public health conditions to determine whether such an order remains necessary. CDC believes this is a lawful order, well within CDC’s legal authority to protect public health.”

The Justice Department of Health has filed a notice of appeal, stating that it is necessary for masks to be enforced in order to protect public health. The appeal does not change the removal of the mandate, but the department will be challenging the court decision after the CDC confirmed the mandate needed to be reinstated. 

Although the mandate has lifted, airline companies are highly encouraging their passengers and employees to continue to wear face coverings.

According to the New York Times, White House press secretary Jen Psaki shared Monday that the Biden administration urges all to wear masks on the airplane. “We would say to anyone sitting out there- we recommend you to wear masks on the plane. As soon as we can provide an update from here, hopefully soon, we’ll provide that to all of you.” 

Despite this news, mask mandates are still in place in New York City subways, buses, taxis, Ubers, and Lyfts. Additionally, public transit systems within Chicago and San Francisco require masks, as well as Kennedy and LaGuardia airports in New York City. 

To learn more information about the mandate and how your local airport has responded, check in daily with local news channels and continue to browse your preferred airline’s website to stay updated on all COVID-19 requirements and procedures.