FISD board elections

Frisco’s general elections will be held on May 7, 2022. One of the things citizens will vote on are the Frisco Independent School District (FISD) Board of Trustees. The Board works to create and pass policies that are followed by the school district. The members are elected for three-year terms. There are currently three places that are in contention for a vote: Places 1, 2, and 3.

Place 1 has two different candidates running for election. Angela Dunford and Gopal Pongani. Anglea Dunford is a local FISD mother who has done work for her church, community, and school. Dunford’s main campaign points have been increasing parent involvement in students’ learning paths as well as improving students’ mental health at a young age by implementing more breaks and socialization. 

Pongani has sat on the board since 2019 and is campaigning for his potential reelection. Pongani’s main campaign points include strengthening the mental health and special education programs in the district, expanding programs based on entrepreneurial skills, as well as working to limit the impact that COVID-19 online learning has had on students.

Place 2 has three different candidates running for election: Marvin Lowe, Natalie Hebert, and Kelly Karthik. Unfortunately,  we were not able to access Lowe’s website, but the link to his site is available here. We were also not able to access Ms. Hebert’s website, but here is the link to her official Facebook page.

Kelly Karthik is a Chief People & Growth Officer, specializing as a culture coach in the technology sector. Karthik’s main points include increasing the support of community partnerships in promoting entrepreneuri

al skills to kids as well as expanding the use of technology among teachers across the district. 

Place 3 also has three different candidates running for election. Dustin Paschal, Timothy Soto, and Stephanie Elad. Paschal has been practicing law locally in Frisco since 2005. Paschal’s main campaign points consist of ensuring that more than 66,000 FISD students currently enrolled receive the best education and the most resources for their future. 

Timothy Soto has been working in sales as an accountant for 10 years. He promises with his seat on the board to recruit teachers and more administrative staff to new campuses as well as aim to increase the salaries of the staff.

Stephanie Elad has been a senior human resources director and FISD mother for over 20 years. Her main goals for the campaign have been to express the value of teacher retention as well as to expand Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM and robotics programs from K-12.

The Board of Election voting day is Saturday, May 7, and early voting began on Monday, April 25. Below is a list of the candidates and their websites as well as a list  of all the available voting locations in Collin County