FISD plans new visual and performing arts center
FISD is opening a new visual and performing arts center (PAC) in order to expand the education and resources of fine arts.
According to FISD, in 2018 voters approved a $691 million bond package to support the hall. FISD plans to put $43 million towards the hall, the City of Frisco plans to put $14 million, and the Hall Group plans $10 million, this total price amounts to $67 million of current available funds.
“I really appreciate all the hard work and money that FISD is putting towards the Fine Arts hall, and I am confident that it will benefit us in the future,” said Bade.

The facility also aims to increase the amount of time fine arts students learn; the PAC will be open 160 days of the year and will host multiple events.
“I think getting more learning time in choir is beneficial because it allows us to focus on fixing specific issues,” said Ariana Awan, senior choir student. “Oftentimes after rehearsal, we all wish there was more time to fix tiny little things, like the pronunciation of a word or our tone. With more time, we would be able to work out those things and be more confident in our performance.”
Along with increased learning time, FISD also plans to use the hall to increase collaboration between orchestra, band, choir, dance, visual art, and theater.
“I am excited to collaborate with the other fine arts,” said Awan. “My favorite time of the year is during our winter concert when we get to sing with the whole choir department. To think we could do more things like that across the school district is super cool.”

The fine arts hall will seat 1,250 people.
“I think the seating capacity is a good opportunity to get a wider audience to fully showcase the fine arts talent. When you increase the number of people that watch you perform, it motivates you to give a better performance,” said Akshara Bade, IHS junior theater student.
Finally, the center plans to host UIL (University Interscholastic League) and competitive events to prevent fine arts from losing educational time during school.
“I think the fact that UIL events can be hosted here is very beneficial,” said Bade. “It’s a collective area where we don’t have to worry about setting up our equipment at someone else’s school or having to travel really far to get there.
For more information on the fine arts hall visit the FISD website