FISD changes grading policy

FISD’s grading policy has been changed to only allow reassessments up to a 90. 

Since 2020, FISD has made at least one change to the grading policy every year. 

However, this new policy will be applied in FISD schools starting the second nine weeks for semester courses, and the third nine weeks for yearly courses. 

“I know that the main reason for these changes over the years has been to align grading across the district,” said IHS Geometry teacher, Danielle Chantry. 

Due to how often FISD modifies its grading system, teachers find it difficult to keep up with. 

“All of these changes affect teachers as we have to adjust the types of assignments we give and how we grade them,” said Chantry. 

Despite the revisions, the policy has not changed completely. 

“Students will continue to have multiple opportunities to assess standards covered during the nine-week period,” stated the email. 

Late assignments are also accepted without any penalty. As long as an assignment is turned in before the quarter ends, it has the potential to earn a 100. 

“I think that late assignments are harder to grade,” said Chantry. “I try to grade all assignments fairly and it is hard for me to do so when I am grading something later than the rest.”

Another policy that is continuing is ‘waterfalling.’ It was originally introduced in the 2019-20 school year, prior to the pandemic. 

“Waterfalling is easier to grade based on the assignment [teachers] give and for students because they get a break from tests,” said Akshita Suresh, junior at IHS. 

FISD’s overall goal with the new policy is to help students reach their full potential and get thorough feedback on their mistakes.