Frisco celebrates Diwali

Saisha Agarwal and Samuel Rainey

Frisco Mayor Jeff Cheney lights a Diya at Frisco’s first annual Diwali Lamp Lighting Ceremony on October 23, 2022

The festival of lights, Diwali, is celebrated around the world. On Diwali, families come together to pray, light diyas (small clay lamps) and enjoy fireworks to symbolize good over evil, and light over dark.

Families observe Diwali in order to receive blessings from the Hindu goddess Lakshmi, who symbolizes prosperity. The purpose of the Diya is to entice the spirit of the goddess  to houses, in order to bestow wealth on the families for the coming year.

Although each region of India has its own traditions for celebrating this festival, the mutual understanding embodies the essence of Diwali. 

Event attendees photographed dancing at the first annual Diwali Lamp Lighting Ceremony on October 23, 2022

On October 23, The city of Frisco celebrated the festival by hosting its first annual Lamp Lighting Ceremony. Frisco Mayor Jeff Cheney led the lamp lighting ceremony alongside Frisco City council members, and Frisco ISD board members. 

The festival included a variety of Indian regional dances, such as Bhangra from Northern India, Garba from the West of India, Kuchipudi from South India, and Kirtan from Eastern India.

In addition, the celebration included traditional south-asian food, drinks, and clothing. To its attendees, the lamp lighting ceremony gave an insight into how Diwali is celebrated traditionally among South-Asian households.

Former Frisco Mayor, John Keating photographed dancing at the first annual Diwali Lamp Lighting Ceremony on October 23, 2022

Junior Srija Ayeireddy, speaks about her experience with Diwali.

“It was amazing being able to go to a local event where I can join my community to celebrate Diwali,” Ayeireddy said. 

“Every year I look forward to Diwali, it’s one of the biggest festivals in the Hindu religion, and it’s a great way to join my family and friends and celebrate something we all have passion for.”

“Honestly the best part of Diwali is the food” says Junior Sruthi Sudakar,  “it’s a great way to shed some light on what one might be going through and to focus on positivity and the opportunities the future holds.” Sudakar said.