Recap: December school board meeting

Board Report

FISD held its annual Senior Best Tour (SBT) and a holiday luncheon.

Debbie Gillespie, Vice President Board of Trustees, spoke on the Board Report.

“It was fun, we appreciate all the seniors that took part in that, and of course, everyone that worked on it to keep bringing that tradition back every year,” said Gillespie.

Lone Star High School’s (LSHS) Wind Symphony is heading to Chicago to perform at Midwest Clinic, previewing their concert at LSHS on Friday, Dec. 13.

“Then many of our high schools right now are doing winter concerts for band, orchestra, and choir,” said Gillespie. “All of those are also open to the public, feel free to join any of them to see all of them play, and all their talents.” 

Action Sheet Audit Update


Discussion regarding the updated Academic Course Guide

Chief Academic Officer, Wes Cunningham´s discussion regarding the Updated Academic Course Guide Presented by Dr. Clark and Dr. Cook.

Academic Guide & Course Catalog

Academic Guide – Overview of academic expectations, practices, procedures, and board policies. Provides context or additional information to guide students & families as they select courses.

Course Catalog – Comprehensive listing of all courses available for student choice during the annual course selection process.

Goals of this project:

Make the Academic Guide and Course Catalog more student, staff, and parent-friendly, and provide information that aligns and defines common processes and programs across the district. 

Board Presentation_ 23-24 Academic Guide & Course Catalog Updates

Action Sheet Academic Course Guide

Discussion regarding an update on Internal Audit Department activity

Director of Internal Audit, Andrew Groover provided the Board with an update on the Internal Audit Department’s activity from October 2022 to December 2022, including the outcomes of the External Quality Assurance Review:

  • Completion of the Audit Plan Status Report for Fiscal Year ‘22.
  • Finalization of the Audit Report of Capital Controlled Assets.
  • Continuance of Fiscal Year ‘23 Audit Plan.
  • Finalization of the Custodial Services and Campus Activity Funds.
  • Upcoming progression of three Background Checks and Fingerprinting Audits, after the merge responses the Audits will be finalized and represented to the Board.
  • The Student Parking Audit and Assessment Accountability is being currently worked on after having high percentages for implementation.

Groover talked about the External Quality Assurance Review closed in late Sept.

“We had someone from outside of the organization come in and take a look at our audit shot to make sure we’re in compliance with standards and we’re doing things up to par,” said Groover. 


Discussion regarding Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) spending plan and stakeholder feedback

In order to receive the funds, a consultation with stakeholders must be met. A survey back in June of 2021 was the first round of interviews prior to developing an ESSER III spending plan. As there are different stakeholder groups that need to obtain feedback in order to acquire the grant survey links were shared through the utilization of the District Advisory Council and the Legislative Committee. Receiving a total of 127 responses.

Chief Finance and Strategy Officer, Kimberly Smith presents the board’s regular six-month update regarding ESSER spending.

  • ESSER I and ESSER II are both complete.
  • ESSER III AND ESSER supplemental remain outstanding; ESSER III is the smaller of the two grants having more requirements such as serving the public. ESSER supplemental grant to provide school districts such as FISD that haven’t received a significant amount of ESSER III due to the grant being on a low socioeconomic population.
    • Funds can be spent through Sept. 30, 2024.
      • 20% of our entitlement must be spent on Evidence-Based Intervention to address Learning Loss.


Public Comments

Melinda Preston, a Frisco citizen, spoke about the FISD School Board and on the FISD education system.

“Stephanie Elide and Marvin Lowe won their FISD School Board seats. I was hoping that this would be a wake-up call for the board and maybe you would listen to the concerned parents and residents of Frisco,” said Preston. “Today we’re riddled with controversy and our education system seems to be crumbling. We are taking away advanced classes and we’re allowing pornography in our libraries.”

Allison Darrel, a representative of a conservative Frisco watchdog group, reminds the Board of Trustees of their place and their authority in the district compared to the citizens of FISD.

“I remind you, we, the parents, are your bosses, you report to us. We elected you and we pay your salaries,” said Darrel.

Anna Priskin, an FISD mother of three kids, counters Preston and criticizes Darrell in her speech to the Board.

“I’m here to play school to express my gratitude to our newly-elected Board of Trustees, Representative Stephanie and Marvin. People of Frisco showed up at the polls last May to represent their discontent with the direction of past leadership of Frisco ISD and elected Stephanie and Marvin to represent their voices,” said Priskin. “Many community members are very traditional; they do not support values that Frisco ISD pushes onto our kids.”

Rene Archambault, President of the Board of Trustees closes the public comments by asking the Board to raise their hand if they have ever taught in a classroom, being a principal, or an administrator before joining the board. 

“That’s important. These are teachers, they are administrators, and they are here representing the best of the best the Public Education has to offer in the state of Texas,” said Archambault.

The next gathering of the Board of Trustees will be on Jan. 23 for the Community Input Night. To watch the recorded meeting visit FISD.