Texas state representative introduces bill to consider secession
A bill enabling Texas citizens to vote on if the state should secede from the Union was proposed by Republican Texas State Rep., Bryan Slaton on March 6, 2023.
HB 3596 detailed how Texas would be able to successfully secede from the nation.
If the referendum Slaton proposed was approved, the vote would occur on Nov. 7, 2023 and present the question, “Should the State of Texas reassert its status as an independent nation?”
If the bill passed, the voting results would be certified by the governor and the secretary of state would transmit a copy of the certification to the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and each member of the legislature.
Additionally, the Texas Independence Committee (TIC), a joint interim committee suggested by Slaton, would be created to determine the most effective way to become independent.
The TIC would be co-chaired by the lieutenant governor and speaker of the house of representatives, and be responsible for proposing a revised Texas Constitution, creating amendments, and electing four senators and four members of the House of Representatives by Dec. 31, 2024.
Slaton’s reasoning for planning HB 3596 was to address America’s supposed violation of the values outlined in the current Texas Constitution.
“The Texas Constitution is clear that all political power resides in the people, after decades of continuous abuse of our rights and liberties by the federal government, it is time to let the people of Texas make their voices heard,” Slaton Tweeted.

The suggestion of a referendum was met with mixed responses.
In support of the bill, Texas National Movement President Daniel Miller said, “The people of Texas will look back on this day as a historic first step in taking back our autonomy and our right to self-determination from the federal government.”
However, Republican State Rep. Jeff Leach objected to the bill and felt that it was a senseless plan which was hypocritical and rebellious against the government.
Leach’s concerns stemmed from the fact that the proposed bill comes into contention with Texas v. White, an 1868 court case, “which established that states do not have the right to unilaterally secede from the union,” stated HB 3596.
Despite the controversy, Slaton believes that the bill is necessary for each Texan citizen.
“Texas was born out of a desire for liberty and self-governance, and that desire continues to burn in the hearts of all Texans,” said Slaton.
If Slaton’s proposal of HB 3596 is approved, it will be enacted on Sept. 1 2023.