Can you dig it?

The Reign (Yearbook)

Carter Kennedy prepares for a hit as a part of the varsity volleyball team.

Most students find it hard to mosey out of bed in the morning in order to make it to class by 9 o’clock sharp.

The volleyball girls not only manage to get up and be at school as early as 6:30 a.m, but they are already dressed and ready to push their limits.

As a new program, our Lady Knights volleyball teams have been working non stop to get above average results.

Their hard work can be seen in the district scores for this season.

“We work really, really hard sometimes doing ladders, or box jumps, or sprints,” said varsity player Carter Kennedy. “But we are always doing drills that make us better and make us work hard.”

The work that this team has completed this season couldn’t be done without a coach.

Coach Michele Massey is one of the varsity volleyball coaches.

“Coach Massey is really informative and instructive, and she makes sure we get the job done,” freshman Lauren Kenyon said.

Kenyon believes that it was much easier to work together because of the friendships they share.

These relationships in addition to the team’s work ethic, leadership, and perseverance is what allowed our girls to beat teams who have worked together for years prior to this season.

They believe they have gone above and beyond to excel.

So for anyone thinking about trying out next year, be prepared to not only handle drills like sprints, suicides, and box jumps, but also the lifelong friendships you will share.