Color guard switches to winter guard

The Reign Yearbook

As the season changes, Natasha Nagase and her teammates switch from color guard to winter guard.

With the turn of the season, comes the turn of the schedule.

Our color guard is now working towards the transition to Winter Guard.

Madeline Pierce, a junior in the color guard, feels that the relationship between the band and the color guard is typically an unbreakable bond.

“During the fall, you’re basically in band, so you do everything with them. Although we’re a small minority, we’re still a section of the band, so we do everything they do,” said Pierce.

However, there are some differences between color and winter guard.

“The main thing that’s different is that we’re going to be more independent from the band, and the practices are going to be more intense and focusing more on the dance itself and more technique stuff,” said junior Jaala Barksdale.

Members of the color guard say hours of hard work and practice is what can help them achieve great things like winning competitions.

“Once Winter Guard starts, we compete on Saturdays throughout the spring semester, and it’s all color guards in the North Texas region,” said Madeline Pierce, a junior color guard member.

Even with this transition, the color guard is handling it well.

“They seem to really like what we’re doing and all the things we’re learning for winter,” said the Ms. Molly Rasmussen, the head color guard coach.

The color guard is performing December 11th from 6-10 pm in the auditorium for the Fine Arts Concert.