What’s all the yelling about?

Jordan LaChance

Sophomore Taylor Lenard yells at a home football game.

Yelling, chanting, and throwing fists in the air are just a few things the yell leaders do.

Our yell leaders have been working since the summer to come up with different ways to ‘pep up’ the student body at sporting events and bring this Texas A&M University tradition into our school.

“Yell leading was Mr. Green’s idea,” said Mr. Cade Butler, the yell leaders’ supervisor. “He, as a fellow Aggie, had the great idea to bring yell leaders to Independence High School.”

While the student section is in the stands, they are on the sidelines jumping and yelling to pump them up.

“I enjoy [yell leading] because I get to hang out with not only the other yell leaders, but being down there with the cheerleaders and the mascot and getting to see all my friends in the stands,” said sophomore yell leader Preston Nimmo.

“I definitely think the students enjoy the yells,” said junior yell leader Aubrey Moore, “I think they enjoy getting a part of something not other schools seem to do.”

The yell leaders had to fill out an application and write an essay.

“When Mr. Butler told me I was a yell leader I was thrilled,” said Moore, “I wanted to be able to support the football team outside the student section since I was a freshman and being able to do that was so much fun.”

While only three yells were used for the 2014-2015 school year we can expect many more in the future.