Student section grows at volleyball games

Cheyenne Atchison

Rishika Kolluri and her team fell short to going to playoffs in the 2014 season.

The volleyball team fell just a little short from making it into the playoffs this season.

This IHS team is trying to encourage others to join along side their games.

Would a bigger student section motivate a better performance?

What is a win without a crowd to cheer them on?

Beau Bounds attended several of the games, motivating his fellow wrestler classmates to come join him.

“The student section isn’t really here right now,” said Bounds. “And that’s why we should come to the games.”

Soon after Bounds attended several of the matches, every wrestler began joining alongside him.

Coach Shelley Massey, the varsity volleyball coach, watched as the student section increased with each game.

“The girls loved playing when students came to the games,” said Massey. “This is why we need support to all sports, it encourages everyone to perform their best.”

With each game, the softball and baseball teams also embarked on supporting their fellow Knights.

Hannah Pointer, the varsity manager, has seen the volleyball team improve once the student section grew bigger.

“We could definitely have more intense spirit,” Pointer said. “Come and watch the team and they would definitely like it.”

The team has been training hard, preparing for next season with rising seniors and in hopes of seeing a fuller student section.

“Cheering on the team, coming with friends, giving the team motivation,” said Bounds, “It’s what makes us the Knights.”