Choir exceeds expectations

The Reign

Choir students put in a lot of practice to get ready for their UIL competitions.

As you walk through the fine arts hall you may find sounds of singing and harmonizing.

Over the past few weeks our choir students have been exercising their vocals and pushing their limits as they prepare for their end of the year show.

They just finished a UIL competition at The Colony in March and blew initial expectations out of the water.

Our young musicians won superior ratings.

“It was a great feeling. It was nice going to competition… and singing the songs we have been working on for a while… with all the harmonies with everybody and finishing and knowing you didn’t mess up was a pretty great feeling,” said Kathleen Murray, a freshman.

However, it is not just about winning for these students.

“When I’m on stage it’s like, it’s hard to describe but it’s a lot of butterflies and it’s a lot of fun, and it’s a lot of adrenalin. It’s telling a story and I love it,” said Hailey Creamer, a junior.

This group of girls and boys have performed in events such as the IHS theatre production, Tarzan, and the Royals’ Spring Show.

Mr. Robert Draper, the director of this award winning team, has been a huge part of the team’s success and is proud of their dedication.

“It takes effort not just mentally and physically but emotionally as well. The kids gave up their time very freely coming in the morning to rehearse together,” Draper said.

Their end of the year performance on Thursday, May 21st is definitely something you will not want to miss.