LaChance earns softball scholarship

The Reign

Sarah LaChance (top right) received seven scholarships offers from colleges throughout the nation.

Out of all the girls on our softball team, one is really ‘knocking it out of the park.’

Sarah LaChance, a junior catcher for the varsity softball team, has been given the opportunity to play for Arkansas Tech University with nearly a full ride.

She started playing nine years ago and has enjoyed it since she first picked up a bat.

“[I chose to play softball] mainly because it was like my first love,” said LaChance, “My mom played and my grandmother played and my great grandmother played so it’s kinda like a family tradition.”

In a school where there are no seniors, the team looked to LaChance to lead the team.

“She really tries to lead by example and do the things that we need and lead the other girls in the direction that we need to go,” said head softball coach, Christine Mendonca. “I think everyone looks up the her. She’s the catcher so she’s kinda the focal point a lot of times and I think that a lot of the girls look to her, and they know how good she is.

“She’s our catcher, so she’s basically our captain,” said sophomore Gabby Rabbia, “She leads all of us in our warm ups and when we’re getting down she brings us up.”

Even with her schoolwork, her practice, and leading the team, LaChance still finds time for individual practice four times a week and hitting lessons every Thursday for two hours.

“I think if you want to play ball in college you can, but it takes a lot of work and time and I know when you’re playing at the level Sarah plays you’re giving up a lot,” said Coach Mendonca.

As the season comes to an end, LaChance will continue her hard work through the summer, her senior year, and then her time at Arkansas Tech.