Sophia Kaiafas illuminates the stage with her experience and talent

Cheyenne Atchison

Sophia Kaiafas leans forward to deliver her soliloquy

There are many talented actors in our theater department, and there is one that seems to  manage voice lessons, school, and acting lessons.

That person is Sophia Kaiafas.

“I started doing acting when I was in seventh grade,” Kaiafas said.

Her experience has gotten her classmates to elect her as the president of theater.

“She’s a good leader and she respects everybody and everybody respects her,” said Preston Campbell.

Campbell played the lead role of Tarzan, while Kaiafas played Jane.

“The biggest challenge was learning her lines because Jane talks a lot and she likes to babble on and stuff,” Kaiafas said.

Along with theater at school, she has also acted in productions such as Jekyll and Hyde.

“I did it at a theater in Fort Worth and it was like my first ever-professional show and it was a lot of fun,” she reflected.

Kaiafas has also had been nominated for best actress for the Dallas High School Summer Musical.

“I’m so proud of her, I’m so proud of her performance in the show,” said Cade Butler, the theater teacher.

Kaiafas is happy to have accomplished so much at such a young age and hopes to major in theater in college.