How Pre -AP and AP compares to regular classes

At the end of the first six weeks, many students are deciding if they want to enter or drop a Pre-AP or AP class.

Do you find yourself banging your head against the desk not understanding any of your Pre -AP or AP work?

Or are you falling asleep in class because your regular class is too easy?

If so, you should consider getting a schedule change.

The first six weeks is almost over and it’s time for you to decide if you want to go into a Pre-Advanced Placement or Advanced Placement class, or if you want to drop into a regular class.

“You should try at least one Pre-AP class. You can learn a lot and if it doesn’t work out you can always go back down to regular,” said Pre-AP Biology teacher Kristi Schoblocher.

In both Pre-AP and AP classes, there is a lot more homework than in a regular class.

”In some classes I have to write 3-4 pages of notes and I somewhat cry in the middle of the night,” said Senior Ashauna Mirsky.

For some students it’s difficult to be in AP and Pre-AP classes due to their busy schedules.

“It’s hard to balance everything because I have early morning practices and then some days I get home late and have other extracurricular activities,” said Sophomore Macy Shult.

On the other hand students think AP and Pre AP classes are worth all the hard work.

“These classes will push you and make you a better student,” said Freshman Xavion Smith.

“[If you take an] AP class and pass you don’t have to take it in college, then you’re ahead. It also brings up your GPA if you have a good grade; so it’s a win win,” said Senior Ashauna Mirsky.

“We always encourage students to challenge themselves academically, but finding the right number of advanced courses that a student can handle per year is important,” said Counselor Heather Holmes.

If you would like to go into a Pre AP or AP class or drop to a regular class you will need to get a schedule change form from the counselor’s office.

Have it filled out and turned in no later than October 6th at 4:30 P.M.