Freshman become prepared for their classes with the help from their teachers

Freshmen Katrina Colley (left) and Kimberly Miller (right) finishing their biology work.

So imagine this, you were once “head honcho” of your school and could master all of the work that came with it.

But now, you’re the smallest fish in a large pond that we call high school.

You have become the youngest instead of the oldest and with all of these changes, you still have to figure out how to manage all of the work in your classes.

This is how many of the freshmen may have felt coming into their high school year.

But with the help and reassurance of their teachers, the freshmen class of 2019 might have learned some ways to stay organized and prepared for all of their classes.

“They are helping me stay more organized and giving me directions of how high school is supposed to be run,” said Freshman Madelyn Brown.

By keeping their binders organized and keeping their homework logged in a planner, many students have been able to earn higher grades in the classroom.

“They helped me be more focused in my classes and get good grades,” said Freshman Elisabeth Renshaw.

With all of the changes the freshmen have experienced so far this year, the preparation their 8th grade teachers gave them for high school was crucial.

“I feel as 8th grade teachers we help our students transition from middle school to high school by putting more responsibility on them and requiring work to be turned in on time,” said 8th grade science teacher Kimberly Lam.

Some of the freshmen feel their teachers have not only helped them stay organized, but have encouraged them to want to make better grades.  

Freshman Rebekah Poynor said that her teachers made her want to widen her academic horizon.

“I want to learn things that I don’t already know…I guess I just want to learn everything,” Poynor said.

With the help of their teachers, hopefully most of the freshmen class have started to lose their “first year nerves.”