Expression through harmony

Jennifer Ke, Melissa Wang, and Angelina Kim are practicing their trio for competition.

Although people may express their voice through conversations, cheering, or dancing, the orchestra students express themselves through their music.

“Some of our students are rather shy and so having them learn how to play their instruments, they’ve kind of broken out of their shells,” said Orchestra Director Lindsey Titus.

While many may view orchestra as another extracurricular activity, the orchestra students said it has been a way for them to express themselves freely.

“Orchestra; it’s just something that feels right to do. It gives me a chance to express that musical side that I have,” said junior Nathalie Pent.

Though the orchestra students may seem shy to some people, they said the techniques they learn through group collaboration give them a chance to learn many necessary musical skills.

“Like the tuning, the notes all that stuff has to be the same and we have to talk in order to do that so that’s how you become more social,” said freshman Megan Linn.

They work together in ensembles with their specific instrument group which they said help each other improve on their individual sound.

“Some skills that are important to learn are cooperating with everyone and not only preparing for yourself but preparing for a group collaboration,” said junior Emily Chung.

They said they work countless hours together to not only perform at school events but also to prepare for their upcoming competitions.

The orchestra students believe these opportunities give them chances to express themselves and be social.