Knight Kouture prep

Fashion Design student, Hallie Birdsong prepared some of the clothing for the fashion show, Knight Kouture.

From the handmade dresses to the restructured shoes, the preparations that went into the Knight Kouture Fashion Show weren’t as easy as simply walking the runway.  

“We started preparing for it after Winter Break so probably about two months,” senior Deja Armstead said.

The fashion students didn’t waste any time to prepare for the event.

“We had to go obviously buy materials and some of us dyed our materials to do like different colors and ombre effects and stuff like that,” junior Kaeli Johnson said.

After the materials were bought the students had to get creative to construct their designs.

“I got my inspiration from Pinterest and I searched up different recyclable stuff… and I took different aspects from different designs and put it into one,” Johnson said.

“I looked on social media a lot and I just see designs that I like and so I just kind of take those ideas and just twist them into my own ideas,” Armstead said.

As the fashion design students prepared the clothing, there were other aspects coming together to assemble the show.

“We had makeup people doing makeup, we had hair people, who are interested in hair, we had theater people coming in and doing lighting. So it brings a lot of different subject matters within the school under one umbrella,” Fashion Design Teacher Anita Roenbeck said.

Roenbeck held the event for much more than just a collaborative occasion for her students.

“It’s to give practical experience in the fashion industry to students who are seeking a fashion career. So people… even in digital graphics you know fashion design and fashion marketing it gives them a practical side of what it takes to run a fashion show,” Roenbeck said.

The event gave back much more than just practical experience.

“Both of my sisters had passed away from cancer. I wanted to for the first year to select something that was very meaningful to me. And plus there’s a lot people affected by cancer overall. So we thought [The American Cancer Society] was a very fitting organization to donate to,” Roenbeck said.

Participants will be giving back to a different cause each year.